Dressing gowns and chocolate-covered faces at 9am are exactly what those fuzzy days in-between Christmas and New Years are meant for, right?
So, chocolate pudding for breakfast? Not exactly, I am not that fun. It is a complete toddler trick!
We had a dairy-free guest for lunch the other day and so I had to get a little creative about dessert. Whilst raiding the cupboards and my recipe file for something dairy free (there really isn’t much!) I remembered that my dear friend Lizzie had made an amazing trick chocolate pudding dessert for us once.
It is simply 1 avocado, 2 bananas, 2 tbsps cocoa powder (you can add honey or maple syrup if you want, but you don’t need to) blended up until it is smooth and then left in the fridge to cool and it is SO good. I mean, if you compare it to full fat, full sugar, full cream chocolate pudding then no, it is not the same, but for a super healthy alternative it does the trick. Jono pulled a face as I made it and was super skeptical but even he enjoyed it… a bit.
Belle just cannot believe that I am letting her eating chocolate pudding. She says “MMM mmmm” so enthusiastically with each little spoonful.
Despite my best efforts to keep her naïve to the taste of chocolate, she seems to know exactly both what it is and that it is great. I guess it was inevitable. But, I got the same reaction feeding her this as I would with actual chocolate and so, for once, we both win.
Apparently the portion offered was not quite enough for little Belle and so she started working on cleaning the lid. A 9am bath time was required after this, but that chocolate-covered face was so sweet that I couldn’t complain.

I am itching to pack away the Christmas bits, clean the apartment and start the healthy eating, uber organised, productive January regimes… but not just yet. Jono has some time off and we are just taking it slow, eating good food and making the most of this precious time with our only child. Whilst I cannot wait to see her as a big sister I am really savouring having just her to focus on right now.