
Siân here! If you are British then you know how to say my name (probably – it is Welsh) and if you are an American then by the time you add in your accent then it sounds exactly like the boys name ‘Sean’ or ‘Shaun’ so let’s just go with that. My name does not travel!
Currently spending my days raising our five children (9, 7, 5, 3 and 1) in the North of England. I spend my days home schooling, homemaking and doing my best to serve God right where I am.
Born and raised in the UK, I only heard the gospel for the first time at University aged 18. Six short months and an Alpha course later, I gave my life to Jesus, got baptised, made friends for life and joined my first church.
A year later, J and I started a courtship. We went from the friend zone to engagement in just a few months. Later that year, we got engaged, and eight months later we were married, just two weeks after graduation.
On our way back from honeymoon, J got an offer for an internship in London, we moved, got jobs, moved again and right after our 2nd wedding anniversary we became parents welcoming our first daughter into the world.
The following summer, J got offered a job in NYC and with about 3.5 minutes of consideration… we let go of our lease, packed up our apartment, loaded it into a storage unit and went.
Two years later, we left our 10th floor, one bedroom apartment on the East Coast and headed out West to L.A… with a toddler, a baby and our third on the way.
L.A. had a beautiful home waiting for us where we could spread out and enjoy year-round sunshine. God was so SO good, taking us there to ride out the pandemic.
Right after our fourth baby was born, we headed down further South in California. Sadly a couple of years later J got made redundant and our immigration status forced us back to the UK.
We have since relocated to England where we have welcomed our fifth child. Half of our hearts are still in the US, maybe they always will be, but we are gradually readjusting to life back here in the UK.
I am hugely passionate about biblical motherhood, marriage, home education, and keeping overwhelm away through minimalism, organisation and rediscovering the Art of Homemaking.
I am so glad that you are here.

Meet the Family...
This is J (Jono), my wonderful husband of 11 years and like a fancy wine he just keeps getting better.
When people count up and clock that I have five children surrounding me at the check out, and especially when they then discover that we home school, the next question is almost always “how do you do it?”. My answer is always some version of “I have the best husband”.
This guy right here is my absolute rock. He works like crazy to make this whole thing work and the moment he gets out of the office his first question is always “what can I do to help?”. He is the best. He loves the Lord, loves me and each of his kids so intentionally and you will always find him working, helping or serving somewhere.

And then there’s the kids…
11 years of marriage and we are the proud parents of these five wonderful little people. Left to right: We have Belle (9), Shepherd (1), Sonny (3), Arlo (5) and Freddie (7). They are wonderful kids and it is not lost on us what a gift it is to get to be their parents.
I'm Siân...
Your online Christian friend who wants to chat all things faith, marriage, motherhood and home schooling