London in January and February is pretty bleak. At least November and December have Bonfire Night and the anticipation of Christmas to soothe you through them, but January and February – I am not your biggest fan. You need lots of chocolate and a good Netflix boxset lined up just to get through them.

And then it happens, the sun comes out for just one day and I am instantly reminded why I love London so much. London plus sunshine, and there is nowhere that I would rather be with my little family.
Whole spring/summer days spent outside, no clock watching, no public transport, just walking and exploring this beautiful city. These simple days are always our favourites. We often find that we have found the best food and coffee this way. No recommendations, just discovering places as you go.

Today was one of those days and I loved it. We even had to stop and buy some suncream because Madame kept kicking her foot-cosy off and exposing those pale little legs to the sun. We kept tucking them back in but she thought it was a game and would laugh hysterically as she kicked it back off!

And … I even got to discover a new favourite charity shop – Fara Kids, Primrose Hill. Any London Mums who love a baby bargain, I highly recommend it.

Now I just need to get a good family picnic bag to live out of this summer, any suggestions?