The best thing about living in New Jersey (so far!) is Hoboken. I love Hoboken and our new apartment is just a short walk away along the waterfront which is great. This weekend was the Hoboken Harvest Festival and it felt as American as I hoped that it would.
The weather was perfect. Bright blue skies, sunshine and the perfect amount of cold to justify bringing out my chunky autumn (*fall*) scarf.
Pumpkin painting, a petting farm, live folk music and even a hay bale maze, all on the Hoboken pier with the New York skyline in the background.

It was totally packed out with families, dogs and strollers which honestly is kind of our thing these days… oh parent life! And yes, I am using the word ‘stroller’ now instead of pram because people here really don’t know what you are on about when you say ‘pram’. Seeing as we are here for the long term it is just easier to comply. However it is still a nappy, not a diaper and a cot not a crib… for now.
I loved that even when surrounded by SO many fun things to do, Belle was the happiest hanging around a sales table playing with their promotional balloons. The joy in a child’s face when they see a balloon is like nothing else. So stinking cute

I am sorry. I feel like I have posted SO many photos of this view outside our apartment, but just look at it and it is even better with my two favs looking so adorable and handsome (you decided which is which).

Such a fun little afternoon out. I am really enjoying our weekends here at the moment. They feel so long and chilled, full of exploring our new home.
It is so easy to thank God when things are going well and life is good but looking back over the last 6 months I can see so clearly how God has been preparing, leading and guiding us to our new home here and I am in absolute awe of his faithfulness and provision through it. We are feeling incredibly blessed, thankful and content right now.