I am now 39 weeks pregnant which means that I am finally FULL TERM. Baby Wylie – you are officially cooked and ready to make your appearance whenever you fancy.
We have spent the last 9 months counting down the days and weeks and all of a sudden your arrival is imminent. I cannot believe that sometime in the next few weeks you will be making us a family. I know that you will arrive when you are ready but I cannot even begin to express how excited/impatient I am to meet you. I get frustrated waiting in a line in the supermarket so this is so hard!

Our hospital bag is all packed and ready to go. I can’t stop looking at your car seat trying to imagine what you are going to look like. I have washed and ironed ALL of your clothes and made your cot up three times. I have had to do it three times because the sheets keep getting dusty and I keep having to rewash them. Your Dad thinks I am crazy.

We love you SO much already.