Labor Day means that summer is pretty much over, but with the weather still solidly in the 30s (or 90s!) it really doesn’t feel like it. It turns out that Labor Day is the perfect day to explore the city because it was so quiet… well, for NYC.
The kids woke up pretty early (they didn’t get the holiday memo) and so we headed out straight after breakfast and jumped on the cooler part of the day.
We wanted to hit a couple of our favourite spots that we hadn’t been to in a while, starting with the Chelsea High Line. Whilst it is early in the day, it is the perfect place for the kids to run wild and burn off some of that Duracell bunny style toddler energy.

These babies love nothing more than having free reign to splash around and get themselves soaked. All summer I carry a spare outfit for each of them in the bottom of my bag because I now know that if we are going out, they are going to find water and get drenched. It is so hot though that I do not blame them. If only it was acceptable for adults to behave like toddlers, we would all be so much happier.

Belle and I have had these matching sandals all summer. They have been in and out of water, we have worn them most days and I can confirm that they are the best. They are so comfortable and they barely wear out. I have had mine for two years now and they still look new. Although, wearing them every day for four months has left Belle and I with the most savage matching tan lines on our feet that look so weird when we are barefoot. At least we match.
This hot weather called for a watermelon juice – we have to cram in all the watermelon possible before summer really is over. This is something I have to figure out how to make at home because it is SO delicious and I’m sure it isn’t just blended watermelon. If anyone knows how to make it then please tell me. A big old pitcher of this in the fridge would be no bad thing.

I refuse to be anywhere near 14th Street and not visit The Donut Pub. I just don’t have it in me. In fact, hands down, The Donut Pub is my absolute favourite spot in NYC. It is not at all fancy, totally unassuming but it has THE BEST donuts, the most lovely staff and it is never a mistake to visit.

As soon as we walked in, the kids were offered free donut holes. The woman that served us was incredibly patient as Belle carefully selected exactly which pink sprinkle donut she wanted. Dipped chocolate donut, Boston creme eclair and a pink sprinkle donut. Perfect.

In this family we share food. It has taken J some getting used to: you know the episode of friends with Joey and the fries? That was J. But there is nothing like having kids to get you sharing food and I don’t blame them, when there is something great on offer no-one wants to miss out.
One of the things that I love about this city is that you can visit a neighbourhood, head back six months later and guarantee that something has changed. Nothing ever gets old or too familiar and I love that because we can never ever be done with NYC.
We are about to mark two years living over here and I am only falling more and more in love with this place. A bit of my heart is totally still in London but I think it always will be. There is nothing wrong with having more than one home right!?