When we first came to the States, over six years ago, with a couple of suitcases and an *almost* one year old we had no idea that the US would become home. Six years, three homes, two states and three American citizen boys later and here we are, saying goodbye to a place that we love so much.
After so many years here, America is home. It is all that the kids know. Living abroad on a visa is a kind of sketchy thing. It is great whilst it is great but you are essentially always at the mercy of the company that the job is with. If your jobs ends for whatever reason, then it is time up. You find another ‘1 in a million’ job with the right visa arrangement (trust me, we searched high and low), or you pack up and leave.
We were *so* close to moving onto Green Cards which would have enabled us to stay here indefinitely, but some external factors smacked us down at the last hurdle and we are now having to pack up, sell up and head home.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a huge part of us that is excited to be back in the UK, closer to family that we have missed so much and to be able to live no longer subject to work visas, BUT the last few months have been rough as the decision has not been ours and honestly, that has taken some time to get our heads and hearts around.
I feel deep levels of sadness for our baseball loving little ones who say ‘trash’ and ‘diaper’ and ‘stroller’. For our daughter who proudly recites the pledge of allegiance with her American Heritage Girls Troop on Monday nights. For my boys who despite being American Citizens are not welcome to live here until they are 21. Their lives are being flipped upside down and it is a horrible feel as a parent knowing that there is nothing that we can do about it. One of our kids has been going to bed with all of their toys and special things in their bed with them because they are so worried about the idea of all of their things traveling on a ship to get to England.
Of course we talk positively about the UK and try and get them excited but there is no getting away from the fact that this is home and it is going to be a huge transition for us all, but for them especially.

We have sold maybe 70% of our stuff. Toys, furniture, the street piano that J refurbished by hand through the pandemic and that Belle had been learning to play on. We have sold almost all of our furniture with the exception of the table that J built last year. We just cannot part with that. Over the next couple of weeks we need to sell all our beds, mattresses, every single electrical appliance that we own and our minivan.
I think the hardest part right now is not knowing where we are headed. We have family that we can stay with until the new year but then it is going to depend on where J finds a job.
But do you know what… God is good, ALL THE TIME. I really think that comfort is often the enemy of faith and when we are out of our comfortable regular lives, that is when we lift our eyes up, lean on Him and grow.
*Deep Breaths*
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1 v 9
We are going to fight to enjoy these last weeks here before our next adventure begins!
God Bless
Well we’re absolutely delighted you’re coming home. 🙂
I’m so sad to read this, Wylie family 🙁 I’m sorry to hear you have to leave to US. Thinking of you and praying for you as all these changes continue to unfold.