J and I just celebrated our FIFTH wedding anniversary. FIVE YEARS!? I honestly cannot believe how quickly that has gone by. But I guess that moving four times, having two babies and throwing in an international move is one way to pass the time.
To celebrate five years, we took our first baby free night away since Belle was born almost three years ago. I had technically spent one night away from Belle but that was when I was giving birth to Freddie so I am not sure that that one totally counts. Between back to back breastfeeding – pregnancy – breastfeeding and then moving so far away from family, this was our first opportunity to do it.
My sister is pretty much the best. After watching our life for a couple of weeks whilst she was here, she sat me down and gave me the tough talk that I needed and only a sister can give you. She basically told me that I am doing way too much and just instructed us to go away. I was reluctant but I eventually agreed that it was possible and that it would be good for us… and she was totally right. Thank you Carys!
So that afternoon J booked a hotel less than an hour upstate in Nyack NY, we rented a car and off we went. It is amazing how good just 24 hours away felt. I thought that I would be worrying about the kids the whole time but I really didn’t. The hardest bit was leaving, but my sister is basically Mary Poppins, the kids adore her and so I knew that they would be totally fine. For most of the time Carys was here Freddie actually preferred her to me which was in equal parts offensive but also meant that there was no-one better to leave him with.
The car rental guy asked J why we were only renting for 24 hours and when J explained that it was our first night away from the kids he upgraded our car for us. He was a Dad himself and totally got it. Jono LOVES hiring cars because our city life means that we have never had our own car so he loves getting the opportunity to drive every so often and this car made that a lot more fun.

Dinner out, naps, a beer by the pool, sleeping in and pie for breakfast because … no kids!

We had planned to visit this pie shop after dinner but we were so full after our southern BBQ feast that we couldn’t manage it. But our commitment to the pie was serious so we just had to go there for breakfast instead. Strawberry and rhubarb pie … wow. Great researching J!

Happy 5 years J… you really are the best and thank you Aunty Carys for looking after our babies.