After six incredible (but long!) weeks settling into our new life as a family of three we decided to make a break for it and head somewhere quiet and green – just us! The visitors had slowed down, B was doing well and J had some holiday to take and so it was the perfect time to get away, just the three of us. Someone did ask me if we were taking B with us (imagine my face) – ermmm yes.

I cannot believe that B has only been with us for six weeks – it feels like so much longer (no offence B!) maybe it just feels longer because I have been awake through most of the nights as well as the days… double the fun? hmmmm. There is very little distinction between the days and nights and the days and weeks since our little one arrived but I wouldn’t change it. As long as she grows out of feeding every two hours and sleeping in our bed by the time she is eighteen then we won’t stress about it too much.
A little family break was just what the Dr ordered. J and I planned to come to the Lake District with the Wylie family a few weeks before B was due which I had been looking forward to all year, but when the time came I was far too big and tired to go. We would have been going when I was 38 weeks pregnant and we were all a little concerned that she could have come early (little did we know that she would be hanging in there for an extra couple of weeks) #firsttimeparents.
J hired a car and found a little cottage for us to stay in and we headed up to the Lakes. Fresh air, cosy evenings in and some good northern fish and chips. Perfect. Super Dad right there 😉
Autumn is just the best. Fact. B couldn’t take all the fresh air – out!