Sweet Belle,
I am tempted to say stop growing up so fast but I wont because of how much I love watching you grow and getting to know you better. How is it that you just keep getting better and better?
Seeing your huge character unfold, listening to your big questions and watching you learn is just so incredible. As each month passes and you get that little bit older I get to see more of the person that you are becoming and it is the biggest and best privilege. You are so smart, passionate, kind and totally hilarious – you have Daddy’s sense of humour.
Watching your imagination develop in these last few months has been so much fun. I love listening to you play out loud with your cars and trains when you don’t know that anyone is watching. It is magical. Your imagination is totally wild, just the way it should be little one.
You are the best big sister to Mr Alfred. Whilst you guys know how to fight and annoy each other, the way that you watch out for Freddie in the playground and tell other kids to be nice to him just melts me. Freddie is never in short supply of your love.

You both are totally obsessed with garbage trucks right now. Every morning (at like 6am) one of you hears the first beep of the truck reversing outside our building and you both charge at the window to watch. You stand on the ledge together, noses pressed to the glass and delight in watching the garbage truck do it’s thing. I don’t clean the windows anymore. There is no point.
A few weeks ago whilst we were watching the truck you put your arms around my neck, held me super tight and said “Don’t worry Mommy, I will keep you safe so that the garbage truck doesn’t take you away”. You are SO protective and caring B. I cannot wait to see how you use that part of your character.
And so naturally what have you asked for for your 3rd birthday… a garbage truck toy. I love it.
Belle, we are immensely proud of you and the wonderful person that you are becoming and I cannot wait to celebrate you being three tomorrow.
We love you sweet girl.