So we have arrived and found our feet (a little). This city has made the best first impression on us. I am completely taken back by how friendly New Yorkers are. I have never had so many strangers talk to me, from people waiting to cross the street to the staff at Trader Joe’s. Maybe it is the cute baby that gets them chatting but whatever it is, it is lovely.
Last night after J finished work, we decided to go for a bit of a city walk and start to get to know the area a little.
We are staying just one block away from Central Park which is great because I do so much walking with little Belle in the day.
Madame fancied a little post dinner snack on the go. She has just started to tolerate baby food pouches which is an absolute life saver at the moment. Well, she is pretty picky and will only eat the fruit ones but that is better than nothing. Thank you Belle for meeting me half way!

This girl really does adore her Dad. Her favourite spot is right there on his shoulders – it must be the view! Although she has just realised that if she leans down she can reach his face and grab some kisses. So, so sweet.

I on the other hand gets a bite on the nose. Teething problems…

She really does not care where we are or what crazy adventure we are taking her on. As long and she has us, milk, bunny and dummy, then she is one very happy girl. What I am learning is that babies adapt to change really well.
Look at this. I cannot believe that this spot is right in the middle of Central Park, right in the middle of this city. So beautiful and peaceful.

New York – you really are beautiful and I cannot wait to get to know you more.