Right now we are enjoying the long Presidents Day weekend and it is glorious. The parks are full of families and kids, cafes have dusted off their outdoor seating and the streets are full of happy people enjoying the long weekend. Even the sun has come out to play.
It is amazing the difference that a dose of sunshine, a clear blue sky and a whole weekend of fresh air can make to the mood of this family.

Plus, having J home for three whole days is such a bonus. Belle is OBSESSED with her Daddy recently. She cries when he leaves for work and asks for him all day long. Consoling her each morning when he says goodbye is not fun. This long weekend has come at the perfect moment.

There have been far too many cold, windy, rainy days around here recently that have had us stuck inside playing and bingeing on Netflix. I am ready for Spring to arrive and for us to be closer to meeting this little one.