This week we are on a staycation. J has the week off work, amazingly we have nothing planned and so we have spent the week taking it slow and simply enjoying this incredible city. We honestly couldn’t have picked a better week because the weather is glorious, which has meant lots of long walks, flat whites, ice cream and eating outside.
Belle had just fallen asleep in the pram as we were passing our favourite pizza place and so we parked up outside and quickly ordered two sourdough beauties.
Of course, our plan to sneak in a little day date meal whilst madame slept peacefully in the buggy did not work out and before the pizzas hit the table we had a little someone joining us at the table. Looks like we will be needing the highchair after all.
Whilst it was a little annoying that we did not get to enjoy a meal in peace it was actually really special that Belle got to join us. The last time that we were at Franco Manca was when I went into labour with B. We hadn’t actually been back since, so it was extra special that we were there almost nine months later sharing our pizzas with our little girl.

It is incredible to see the difference that a few months makes: we were a couple then, and now we are a fully established family.
Whilst I do miss being able to eat a hot meal uninterrupted over a nice long conversation with my husband, I wouldn’t change this for the world.