So, before J and I knew each other we both spent the same three weeks back in 2010 in America visiting family friends. I went to California and Jono came to NYC. We even flew at the same dates, same airline, just to different sides of America. Such a crazy coincidence.
However, the great thing is that because of that, we both have family friends here.
The Matthews kindly invited us to spend Independence Day with them and so this morning we made our way to Grand Central, hopped on a train and headed upstate.
The train journey upstate along the Hudson River is really beautiful, especially on a sunny day. The train goes right along the river side and the views are lovely.
The last time that we saw these guys was at our wedding (which was almost three years ago) and so it was really lovely to spend time with them and introduce them to little Belle.
Belle took a real shine to Dave and so Jono has renamed him ‘Granddad America’.

Gail used the word ‘chosen family’ to describe her relationship with Jono’s family and I thought that that was such a lovely way to think about close family friends.
We felt very blessed today to be spending time with these special people – thank you for having us!