The last time that all of my siblings were together was over six years ago. SIX YEARS AGO. Unacceptable. SO much has changed since then! Both my sister and oldest brother have welcomed their first babies into the world – I had barely spent time with my sister-in-law and we hadn’t even met my sisters husband (aside from facetime) as they got married during the pandemic when all of the travel bans were in place – wild. Anyway, this trip back was extra extra extra special. 10/10 do not recommend living abroad during a global pandemic.
It was SO much fun all being together again with the extra blessing of little Olive and Rupert joining the family. It is safe to say that they are very much adored by their cousins.

Very thankful that we all got to be together and I really really hope that it is never this long again.

Props to Graham for getting everyone in a photo!