And it has happened. It was only a matter of time before a few food posts found their way onto Wylie Diaries. So here it is, welcome to my first food post!
I love baking and cooking. Which is good because with food allergies in the house buying food prepared food is usually a bit of a nightmare. So many things that you buy in the supermarket ‘may contain traces’ which means, where possible, I will opt for homemade.
Whilst homemade anything is obviously more effort than grabbing something off a shelf, but as far as homemade options go, this is an easy one. It is low in sugar, nut free and SO much cheaper, nicer and healthier than shop bought.
I have tried a few different recipes and methods and this is the tried and tested best. It is a combination of a few recipes that I have mashed together for this foolproof easy quick homemade granola.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
What you will need:
- 45g Brown Sugar (dark or light will do)
- 100ml Vegetable, Sunflower or Coconut oil (you decide!)
- 3 tbsp Honey (leave this out if for a baby under 12 months)
- 2 tsp of ground cinnamon or vanilla extract (optional but a nice extra)
- 480g regular porridge oats (not instant oats)
- Handful of Raisins or any dried fruit that you fancy
The Method:
- Preheat the oven to 180◦c and pop some baking paper in a big baking tray
- Grab your biggest mixing bowl and pop the sugar, oil, honey and vanilla in it, giving it a little stir
- Add in the oats and mix until the liquid has covered all of the oats. Don’t worry, I know that it doesn’t look like you have enough mixture to cover all of the oats but you have. Just take a seat and keep mixing!
- Pour the oat mixture onto the baking tray and even it out. Pop it in the oven for 30 minutes, turning every 10 minutes, and keep your eye on it
- When your yummy creation looks a little golden and crunchy in parts take it out. The longer you leave it the crunchier the granola so you can make it however you like it. As long as the oats are no longer pale then you are good to take it out
- Throw in the raisins and mix it all up
- Leave to cool completely and put into an airtight container. It should stay fresh for a couple of weeks, but with some nice yoghurt and fresh fruit, I challenge you to make it last that long!

Feeling Fancy?
The great thing about this recipe is that it is cheap, easy and simple to make but if you want to jazz it up then here are a few ideas for things to add to your granola.
- Dried fruit; cranberries, apple, pineapple, mango, banana etc
- Nuts (chopped if for children and babies)
- Seeds; sunflower or pumpkin
- Cinnamon
- Coconut Flakes
- Chocolate Chips
- Crystallised ginger

I would love to see your photos if you gave this a go.
Tag me on Instagram with your homemade granola photos using @mrssianwylie or use #wyliediaries and I will find you!
Happy baking!