Sorry for the silence everyone. The last couple of weeks have been a little hectic!
Today we moved house. Where to? That is yet to be decided. We have just finished moving everything that we own into a storage unit, handed over our keys and started a rather crazy but extremely exiting family adventure.
Two weeks ago J came home from work and told me that he had been offered the opportunity to go and work in New York for the summer and that his company would (very kindly) be sending Belle and I over with him. I don’t think Jono had even finished his sentence before I shouted YES! Amazing, I know. This is exactly the kind of opportunity that we had dreamed about, but we really thought that it was just a dream. The flights and accommodation would be taken care of and so there was really nothing holding us back.
Isn’t timing a funny thing… the end of our housing contract fell on the same week that we would be leaving for America and just that evening we had planned to sit down, read and sign our renewal contract for our flat. We chatted it through (for a long time!) and decided that we would not renew, let our lovely flat go, move everything into a storage unit and head to New York. Whilst it may seem a little rash, six weeks worth of London rent goes a very long way and so it just seemed like a sensible option as we are not allowed to sublet our flat for that time. Plus, we now didn’t want to commit to another year in our place. You never know, we might fall in love with New York?! We have freed ourselves up, opened wide our options and we are now walking in some serious faith. I am not going to lie, it is all a little scary. Good scary, but still scary.

When we were dating we spoke about the kind of family life that we would like to have and part of that involved adventure and travel. Four years ago we spoke about having children and not letting that stop us from doing whatever it was that we wanted to do. I am sure that most parents can relate to this! Everyone thinks like that at the start, but let me tell you, we had no idea what we were talking about. Once you have the responsibility of an actual physical baby and not just a theoretical idea, adventures appear a lot less appealing and parent life makes you start to care more about things like areas, schools, nap times and routines. But there is our challenge. This is our opportunity to do it. We are stepping out of our comfort zone and taking Belle on an adventure, just like we said we would.
So today we moved out and in two days we fly. Everything has happened so quickly and it is all only just starting to feel real. We have only booked accommodation for the first two weeks in New York and we honestly have no idea what the next couple of months are going to look like for us. However, I will be taking my trusty camera and laptop along, so I will be keep you posted.
We will be back in London August and then we will figure out our next step. We will be looking for a new home, maybe London, maybe not. All that I know is that everything is changing and I like it!